I received the Achoro Optical Wired 7D RGB Color Backlight Programmable Gaming Mouse for free in exchange for an honest review. I have a non-wired mouse, but wanted to try this wired mouse out to use with my Qkids teaching classes online because it is not a good thing when your batteries go out on you while working with 4 little kids. ;) Happened once and won't go there again. So I hooked this mouse up to my computer and it works very well. Very smooth running and moves well on the card table I am using it on. It is black with the two main left and right buttons to click with and bring up selection menu. The roller button is for moving up and down the screen without moving your mouse and the side two buttons move your screens back and forth, so you also don't have to move your mouse around. The top two buttons are DPI. Very quick response time. At first, it felt somewhat large in my small hand, but now it feels fine and don't mind at all. The cord has a soft material around it, so that it is still bendable, but won't rip or pull on wire. Good protection. I also like the changing colors on it. Looks cool and the kids love it when I hold it up in front of the screen to say click, click, click for their games. It also feels well made, but no to heavy to move around. I have not tried using this mouse with gamming, so can't make any comments on that.
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