I received #TripWorthy Compact First Aid Medical Kit for a huge discount in exchange for an honest review. I bought this so that I could put it in the car for emergencies and also have it for when we go hiking/camping. It comes in a very small, lightweight travel bag with two handles. Easy to zip up. Inside there are two large pouches and two small pouches that have a flap with Velcro to everything organized and not falling out all over the place. Many of the pieces have little bags to store them in. Very well thought out and when you run out of materials, just buy some more and reuse the bag. Everything is in here that you could think of in case of an emergency. (Glow stick,, tweezers, sewing kit, scissors, whistle safety pins, blanket, bandaids, cloth bandages gloves, wipes, antibacterial ointment, compass, cpr mask, qtips, cold compress, poncho, razor blade...) Basically anything you can think of in an easy to store carrying case. :)

Here is a link to check it out: https://www.amazon.com/Lightweight-Compact-100-Piece-Complete-Water-Resistant/dp/B01DYYCX6M
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