I received the 5D Diamond Painting for free in exchange for a social deal. This is a very interesting do it yourself project. I had never seen anything like it before. You do need to have a lot of patience because it will take a very long time, especially if you have kiddos needing attention. I would also recommend making it up on a table, so you aren't bent over and make sure you have good lighting. There are thousands of little pieces, so it should be kept away from small children too. So it comes with a painting printed on canvas. On the side of the canvas and the instruction paper, there is a chart that gives you all the labeling on where to place each colored diamond. For example, the corner I have pulled down in the picture, I had to start by looking for the baggie that is labeled 04/161 and pour them into the tray. Gently shake the tray, so the diamonds turn to the correct side. Then take pink pen and push it into wax. This should give you enough wax inside it to stick to quite a few diamonds. Then stick the pen with diamond on one of the correct circles. They are very very tiny, so you will have to be very precise. I am a very detailed oriented person, so I like the challenge of things like this. There are also tweezers to help get diamonds in the right spot too. When you want to stop, just place the adhesive paper back down over it and roll everything back up to store. I think I am going to store the diamonds in baby food boxes if I want to vary which color I am using. They have other paintings too you can do. I would really like to do the Van Gogh one. Are you ready to start? Who will beat me? 

Here is a link to check it out: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BQD31V4
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