Hey there,
So I received a box of Easy@Home 8 Ovulation +2 Pregnancy test sticks for free in exchange for a review. This kit comes with 8 ovulation sticks and 2 pregnancy test sticks. There are easy to read instructions included for both. When you need to check you LH level for ovulation, check the chart to see when you start to take your 5 tests. So you need a total of 5 sticks when testing over a period of 5 days, unless there is an invalid result. In order to get results, you need to urinate for 10 seconds on to strip below arrow and then within a couple minutes you will see results. I found it easy to the testing sticks and the results were easy to read and accurate. When there are two lines of equal color, that means there is enough LH in the urine. I was able to see over a couple days of testing that the left line got increasingly darker, which meant that it was showing correct information. The pregnancy sticks are also used the same way. Urinate for 10 seconds on them and you will get results in a couple minutes. They are easy to use and gave me an accurate answer of Hcg values. If I were to recommend these testing strips to someone, I would say they work and to try them out.
Here is a link to follow, if you would like to try them out: https://www.amazon.com/Easy-Home-Ovulation-Tests-Pregnancy/dp/B01ETNF300/ref=sr_tnr_p_7_3762501_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1466522951&sr=8-7&keywords=ovulation+predictor+kit
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