9 Inch Bread Rising Basket Product Review
I received this bread rising basket for free in exchange for a social deal review. Excited to try it out! I haven't really gotten into baking bread yet, so thought this would be something to try out and let the dough rise with. It is light weight and a cream color. It comes as a 9 inch basket and also includes a linen liner that has an elastic band in it, so it fits snuggly around the basket. It is well sewn. When pulled upward it rises about 6 inches above the basket, so plenty of room to grow.
They also included a dough scraper, which of course is for scraping the dough. It is shaped so that it fits in your hand well. It is made out of rattan and doesn't have any coating on it. It is well made. When you are all done using it, you can store the scraper inside with the linen cloth pushed down in. I will update once I use it with how it performs. I can smell the bread baking already! :) MMMMMMM
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